
Medgaea Life Sciences is a third party laboratory that is certificated for OECD GLP, TFDA GLP, ISO 17025 and ISO 9001. Maily based on preclinical CRO, we provide total-soltion services to assist biotechnology industries successfully obtain the product certification and exploit internation market.

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With devoting to our core value 『Honesty•Accuracy•Professionalism•Responsibility』,

We have successfully assisted our customers to successfully obtain the product certification in FDA, CE, TFDA and NMPA.

Medical Devices

One of the first priority of medical devices R&D is their safety. The Biocompatibility test is mainly followed the ISO 10993 international standard.

Cell therapy and Regenerative medicine

We assist the safety, effectiveness tests during the R&D process of cell therapy product. All the tests are complied with GLP.

Pharmaceutical development

As the agent of SNBL in Taiwan, will help new drugs company to complete non-clinical trials in medium, large animals and primates in the research and development stage.

Agrochemical and Enviromental Agents

The agroculture products need to review their toxicological data in advance, and all the tests must be carried out in complies with GLP.

Chemical Substances

Providing the toxicological test information!
EPA acquired the test information as the core basis to evaluate the substance announcement.

Health Food/ Ingredients

Provide safety, efficacy and stability tests for food ingredients and health foods.


Provide registration services.


Provide batch examine for medicine release, including pyrogen, acute systemic toxicity and other tests.

Laboratory animals and Equipment

An agent and supplier based on research and development of animal experiments, providing import services for various disease model animals in research institutions.


🌟 台灣機能性原料進軍日本保健市場——日本麥德凱全力支持葡萄王生技與台灣德瑞特 🌟




台灣農業科技研究院的帶領下,台灣多家優秀廠商將亮相2024年日本保健原料展覽會 (Health Ingredients Japan, Hi Japan),展示創新健康食品原料與解決方案。此次展會以「機能素材」和「銀髮機能」為主題,呈現台灣在健康產業的研發實力與市場潛力。









📍 地點:東京 Big Sight 4F, West Hall 4
🟢 展位號碼:4-109 (台灣館)
📅 展會時間:2024年10月23日(三)~10月25日(五)10:00~17:00

🔗 展會官網 Hi Japan
🔗 葡萄王生技與台灣德瑞特產品詳情





#HealthIngredientsJapan #葡萄王生技 #台灣德瑞特 #MedgaeaJapan #台灣機能性原料 #銀髮市場 #機能性食品 #台日合作 #農業科技研究院 #健康未來